
  • Want a more individualized learning experience? You can schedule one-on-one consultation sessions with our AIR members.

    First Session: Prior to your meeting, your assigned rep will do an audit of your website, LinkedIn profile, and public social media accounts. On your call they will give an honest assessment of these materials and their presentation. The Rep will also show examples of the various tools they use for day-to-day sales and help you decide which will be the most useful to you.

    Second Session: This will cover positioning yourself/ your company in the correct markets. What territories should be your first focus? How to transition contacts into work? Piecing together the best sales team for your business or pointing you in the direction of the right production companies for your directing style.

    Third Session: This will access where you fit into the marketplace and current trends in advertising. Access how the tools from the Consultation are working in the real world.

    General check in for additional questions & guidance.

    Who Should attend:
    • Either company owners or directors who would like a deep dive into their career and past work.

    Price: $350 per session or $1000 for the package.